Sunday, March 14, 2010

Services Provided

Doula services Include:
•Prenatal visits (usually two) in your home or a comfortable space during your third trimester

•Access to lending library

•Discussion of the following: your birth plan, your past birth experiences, pain coping techniques, and any concerns you and your partner may have

•On call guarantee for two weeks prior to your due date and two weeks after, or until the baby is born.

•Unlimited email support during your pregnancy and during your baby’s first few weeks

•Early labour support – over the phone, at your home, or at the hospital

•Continuous presence once labour is established, until one to two hours postpartum

•Labour and birth positioning suggestions for comfort and to progress labour

•Massage and other pain relief measures

•Information on all aspects of labour for you and your partner

•Support of whatever choices you make during labour

•Photographs of birth

•A written birth story

•Help with initiation of breastfeeding

•One or more postpartum visits, at your convenience